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The link below provides information about McHenry County School and their physical education curriculum overhaul.  The school district (Kindergarten through fifth grade) has decided to focus on lifelong fitness to combat childhood obesity and provide students the tools necessary to take care of themselves throughout their lifetime.
Posted by scland  On Apr 23, 2015 at 8:53 AM 326 Comments
As we begin the fourth marking period, all eighth grade students will take the fitness post-tests.  In the fall, each eighth grade student participated and was scored in the following fitness assessments;  One Mile Run (Cardiovascular Endurance), Sit & Reach (Flexibility), Shuttle Run (Speed & Agility) and Push-ups (Strength, Upper Body, Pushing).  Students will take the fitness assessment post-tests with the objective to improve upon their pre-test score from the fall.  All students will be reminded of their pre-test score prior to taking the post-test.  The fitness assessment post-test will be completed by Friday, May 1st.  
Posted by scland  On Apr 23, 2015 at 8:48 AM 388 Comments
Students are to develop a ten question, minor assessment with an answer key that demonstrates that they understand the rules and proper participation of their latest activity.  Morning classes that used the gymnasium can design questions related to scooter handball.  Afternoon classes that used the all-purpose room can design questions related to handball.  If students are having difficulty developing questions about their activity, they can develop questions about the ten fitness domains and related exercises performed throughout the marking period.  Questions can be in any format that the student likes as long as they are organized and demonstrate an understanding of the rules and participation required of their activity.  The student developed assessment can be turned in any time between now and April 15th and 16th (Depending on their day of physical education class).
Posted by scland  On Apr 09, 2015 at 9:05 AM 1198 Comments
This is a link to a story about Naperville High School located in the suburbs of Chicago.  Naperville High School uses a quality physical education program to create a culture of fitness that produces dramatic academic results.  Copy and paste the given URL into your browser;
Posted by scland  On Apr 08, 2015 at 2:49 PM 384 Comments
Students began their fourth activity of the third marking period on Tuesday (April 7th) and Wednesday (April 8th).  Morning classes that have used one-half of the gymnasium began participating in Ultimate Frisbee.  Afternoon classes that have used the all-purpose rooms began participating in the bat ball activity.  The classes that are participating in Ultimate Frisbee will use the same teams that they picked for the scooter handball activity.  The rules are similar to handball.  The objective is to work together as a team to get the frisbee into the opponents endzone.  The classes that are participating in Bat Ball will be divided into two bigger teams with the goal of all students actively participating for the entire game.  The rules are similar to baseball/softball with some variations depending on the size of the class.  The activities are tentatively scheduled to last until Friday, April 24th.
Posted by scland  On Apr 08, 2015 at 11:52 AM 312 Comments
Can you guess the one thing most elite athletes have in common? Think you know, check out this interesting article;   Copy and paste the URL below into your browser.
Posted by scland  On Apr 08, 2015 at 9:09 AM 337 Comments
Students were introduced to a new warm-up with six new exercises.  The Dynamic Warm-up Routine #1 will be used to add variety to the beginning of class.  Each student is required to new the exercises of each routine, in addition, to being able to perform the exercises correctly, as instructed.  The exercises included in Dynamic Warm-up Routine #1 are; Jumping Jacks, (thirty repetitions),  Inchwork (five repetitions), Big Arm Circles, (five repetitions each arm), Mountain Climbers, (five repetitions each leg), Scapular Push-ups, (five repetitions), Groiners, (five repetitions).  Video Demonstration of the Dynamic Warm-up Routine #1 will be posted in the near future.
Posted by scland  On Mar 23, 2015 at 11:14 AM 1404 Comments
All physical education classes are in their third different activity for the third marking period.  My morning classes are participating in the scooter handball on one-half of the gymnasium.  Depending on the class size, a number of captain were selected from each class.   The captains selected teams and each team was numbered.  Each class period, teams will have the opportunity to participate in competitive scooter handball games.  The period will be divided into mini games that last two to three minutes.  At the conclusion of each mini game, the winning team will stay on the court.  Teams will rotate onto the court by team number.  My afternoon classes will participate in team handball in the all-purpose room.  Depending on the size of the class, students were divided into teams.  Captains were selected from each class and teams were given numbers.  The captains selected the teams.  Each team is given an opportunity to participate in the competitive handball games during the period.  Each game will last from two to three minutes.  At the conclusion of each mini game, the next team in numerical sequence will rotate on the court.  The team that won the last contest will remain on the floor.  Students will participate in the third activity of the third marking period through Friday, March 27th.  Play hard and try your best.
Posted by scland  On Mar 23, 2015 at 11:05 AM 368 Comments
My physical education classes will participate in pillow polo and scooter handball as their second activity of the third marking period.  My classes that take place in the gymnasium will participate in pillow polo.  My classes that take place in the all-purpose room will participate in scooter handball.  These activities will last from Friday, February 27th through Thursday, March 12th, approximately six class periods for each class.  The activities that the classes get the opportunity to participate in are determined by a student survey that each student had the opportunity to complete at the beginning of the third marking period.  The class will still participate in a dynamic warm-up, introduced to different exercises and be given the opportunity to practice moving more efficiently.  Students are encouraged to put forth their best effort.  
Posted by scland  On Mar 02, 2015 at 2:51 PM 478 Comments
Recently, an instructional video that explains and demonstrates how to perform the kettle bell goblet squat has been added to my website.  The short video touches on the important teaching points while demonstrating how a properly performed kettle bell goblet squat should be performed.  The video is titled, "Kettle Bell Goblet Squat" and is located under the physical educaiton tab on my homepage.  Enjoy.
Posted by scland  On Mar 02, 2015 at 12:49 PM 294 Comments
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