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November 24th - 26th.  Grade Eight Health will transition into their first major topic, Alcohol.  We will begin to explore the Alcohol Chapter.  First, we will look at lesson one and we will explore why alcohol is harmful.  Following lesson one, it will be important for each student to understand how alcohol is made, what type of alcohol is in beverages and be able to identify the drug classification of alcohol.  We will also take a look at why teens choose to drink, identify reasons not to drink and list alternatives to drinking alcohol.  Upon completion of the lesson one outline, the students will view the lesson one review prezi to check their responses.  The lesson one outline will be collected and count as a daily assessment grade.  As we move through the alcohol chapter ask yourself these questions: 1.  What is reaction time? 2.  How does alcohol impact an individual's reaction time? Each grade eight health student will present their prezi to the class.  Each student's presentation will provide their classmates with an opportuntiy to get to know them better.  It will also provide the presenter with the opportunity to feel good about talking about themselves, identifying their strengths and interests.  The prezi and presentation will be a minor assessment grade.  Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by scland  On Nov 24, 2014 at 9:18 AM 316 Comments
November 17th - 21st. As students begin the second marking period, each student will complete the physical fitness pre-assessments.  By November 21st, each student will have completed four fitness pre-tests.  They are; One Mile Run (measure of cardiovascular endurance), Shuttle Run(measure of speed and agility), Sit-and-Reach(measure of lower body flexibility) and Push-ups(measure of muscular strength and endurance). In the spring, each student will be assessed in these assessment again.  The objective is to have each student improve upon the result they posted in the pre-assessment.  Students will have the opportunity to participate in strength and conditioning blocks throughout the school year that will teach them have to move properly and learn new exercises that improve their general physical preparedness.   As students complete the fitness pre-tests, students will move into their first activity of the second marking period.  The two activities that the students will be exposed to are; basketball or strength & conditioning.   "Anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
Posted by scland  On Nov 19, 2014 at 2:56 PM 177 Comments
November 17th - 21st Grade Eight Health begins with the students exploring the health triangle, specifically mental/emotional health.  As the week comes to an end, each student should be finishing their first health project, "All About Me' Prezi.  The project allowed each student to become familiar with how to design a prezi and become more comfortable expressing their belief in their unique interests.   The students are able to work on their prezi at home on the internet.  The students should have a login and password for their free prezi account.  The students were encouraged to use their school e-mail account.  That e-mail is;  first name.last [email protected].  If students need an example of how to organize their prezi, they can view my example.  It is located in the seventh grade health tab on my website.   By November 21st, each student should have handed in the following assignments; 1.  Understanding Your Health Outline, Daily Assessment, 2.  Mental/Emotional Health Outline, Daily Assessment, 3.  Folder & Notebook Check, Daily Assessment, 4.  All About Me Prezi Project, Minor Assessment. Our next topic will be Alcohol.  Alcohol is explored in-depth in chapter twelve of the health textbook.  As we transitions to the topic of Alcohol, ask yourself these questions;  Why is Alcohol is Harmful? What is the drug classification of alcohol? What type of alcohol is in beverages? "Failure to prepare is preparing to fail."
Posted by scland  On Nov 19, 2014 at 2:38 PM 2090 Comments
November 17th - 21st Grade Seven Health begins with the students exploring the health triangle, specifically mental/emotional health.  As the week comes to an end, each student should be finishing their first health project, "All About Me' Prezi.  The project allowed each student to become familiar with how to design a prezi and become more comfortable expressing their belief in their unique interests.   The students are able to work on their prezi at home on the internet.  The students should have a login and password for their free prezi account.  The students were encouraged to use their school e-mail account.  That e-mail is;  first name.last [email protected].  If students need an example of how to organize their prezi, they can view my example.  It is located in the seventh grade health tab on my website.   By November 21st, each student should have handed in the following assignments; 1.  Understanding Your Health Outline, Daily Assessment, 2.  Mental/Emotional Health Outline, Daily Assessment, 3.  Folder & Notebook Check, Daily Assessment, 4.  All About Me Prezi Project, Minor Assessment. Our next topic will be the Body Systems.  The body systems are explored in-depth in chapter sixteen of the health textbook.  The first body system we will explore is the skeletal system.  As we transitions to the body systems, ask yourself this question; What are the functions of the skeletal system? "Failure to prepare is preparing to fail."
Posted by scland  On Nov 19, 2014 at 2:30 PM 154 Comments
Thursday, September 25th, 2014; B Day Friday, September 26th, 2014;  A Day DYNAMIC WARM-UP​: ​1.  Jog - Two Lengths, 2.  ​Backpedal - Two Lengths, 3.  High Knees - Two Lengths, 4.  Butt Kicks - Two Lengths, 5.  Power Skips - Two Lengths, 6.  Lateral Shuffle - Two Lengths, 7.  Bear Crawl - Two Lengths, 8.  Basic Dot Drill - Two Lengths. Skill Work/New Movement Development: 1.  Hand Release Push-ups Considerations:   *  Compare the plank to the push-up position and discuss the importance of the push-up, *  Introduce the push-up, *  Introduce progression, *  Discuss range of motion, importance to integrity of movement as well as overall strength development. W.O.D. 1.  Complete three rounds of the exercises listed below, for time.  Work on performing the exercises correctly. A.  Hand Release Push-ups, Five Repetitions, B.  Air Squats, Twelve Repetitions. Skill Work/Competition Basic Dot Drill Challenge How many times can you complete the basic dot drill in sixty seconds?
Posted by scland  On Sep 24, 2014 at 9:09 AM 198 Comments
​DYNAMIC WARM-UP​: ​1.  Jog - Two Lengths, 2.  ​Backpedal - Two Lengths, 3.  High Knees - Two Lengths, 4.  Butt Kicks - Two Lengths, 5.  Power Skips - Two Lengths, 6.  Lateral Shuffle - Two Lengths, 7.  Bear Crawl - Two Lengths, 8.  Basic Dot Drill - Two Lengths. Skill Work/New Movement Development: 1.  Squat Considerations:   *  Stance *  Hips Back *  Hand Position *  Top Position W.O.D. 1.  Use the Tabata Protocol of 20 Seconds of Work, followed by 10 Seconds of Recovery.  Perform six rounds of the shuttle run.  (Each student's score is total number of lines touched in the six rounds.)   2.  Immediately followed by six rounds of squats (score is total number of squats completed in the six rounds), 3.  Immediately followed by a single 400 Meter Run.  (Record 400 Meter Time.)
Posted by scland  On Sep 18, 2014 at 2:48 PM 447 Comments
​​​WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2014 ​​​DYNAMIC WARM-UP​: ​1.  Jog - Two Lengths, 2.  ​Backpedal - Two Lengths, 3.  High Knees - Two Lengths, 4.  Butt Kicks - Two Lengths, 5.  Power Skips - Two Lengths, 6.  Lateral Shuffle - Two Lengths, 7.  Bear Crawl - Two Lengths, 8.  Basic Dot Drill - Two Lengths. ​​SKILL WORK AND NEW MOVEMENT DEVELOPMENT 1.  ​​Box Jump 2.  The Burpee THE W.O.D. 1.  Maximum Box Jumps in Sixty Seconds - Five Minute Recovery 2.  Maximum Burpees in Sixty Seconds - Five Minute Recovery
Posted by scland  On Sep 16, 2014 at 11:53 AM 167 Comments
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