Physical Education Blog
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Two new prezis have been added to my website under the physical education tab.  The prezis are entitled, "Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle" and "Self-Management Skills".  Students should view the prezis and become familiar with information contained in each. Students will be required to answer questions about the information on an assessment in the near future.  The assessment date will be announced soon.  The assessment will be the first of the third marking period. 
Posted by scland  On Feb 17, 2015 at 5:47 PM 34 Comments
The Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle and Self-Management Skills Prezi has just been posted to my website under the Physical Education Tab.  Students are required to view the prezi and be familiar with the information contained in the prezi.  The next physical education assessment will include information from this prezi in addition to information from another prezi yet to be posted.
Posted by scland  On Feb 17, 2015 at 2:03 PM 322 Comments
February 9th Through 12th.  Depending on the period, students will be participating in either basketball or ultimate frisbee.  My first and three/four period classes will be participating in basketball on one-half of the gymnasium.  My 7/8 and 8/9 classes will be participating in Ultimate Frisbee in the all-purpose room.  All classes will begin as normal with students actively participating in a dynamic warm-up.  As the school year progresses, students should improve upon their ability to perform the exercises that are incorporated in the dynamic warm-up.  Following the dynamic warm-up, students will have the opportunity to actively participate in a competitive activity that incorporates a variety of different exercises.  For example, on February 10th/11th students will; perform as many repetitions of a exercise as possible in thirty seconds followed by thirty seconds of recovery.  Students will rotate through three different exercises.  The exercises are kettle bell goblet squats  (Rx; 10 Lbs.), hand release push-ups and sit-ups.  Students will keep track of the number of repetitions that they completed throughout the round.  Following the completion of round one, students will rest for two minutes and write their first name and total on the white board.  Students will perform a second round of the three exercises attempting to beat their repetition total from round one.  Upon completion of round two, students will write their total repetitions from round two on the white board in addition to their repetition total.  A leader board will be posted in class in an attempt to add the competitive element to class.  Next, students will participate in their respected activity, Basketball or ultimate frisbee.  Students participating in basketball will have the opportunity to participate in half-court basketball games.  Students participating in ultimate frisbee will have the opportunity to participate in ultimate frisbee games.  All students, regardless of activity have been divided into teams with the objective to maximize their participation level.
Posted by scland  On Feb 10, 2015 at 2:53 PM 74 Comments
Hello, Below is the link needed to access the block 3/4 assessment for physical education entitled; Health, Wellness & Fitness For All.  Students were instructed to view the Health, Wellness & Fitness For All Prezi as many times as needed to prepare for the assessment.
Posted by scland  On Jan 13, 2015 at 9:06 PM 469 Comments
January 5th Through 9th.  Students will actively participate in floor hockey games for the remainder of the current activity block.  Each period  was divided into two teams.  Each team will rotate shifts of two/three athletes onto the gym floor every two minutes.  The teams will compete against each other without goalies.  The objective of the activity is to knock a rubber puck off of a red stand that is located behind the all-purpose nets.  Each shift has two minutes to score as many goals as possible during their shift.  A face off will take place after each goal.  Each activity period will count as one game and the score will be recorded at the end of the period.  Students are encouraged to put forth their best effort and participate in a safe manner. Each activity period will begin with a dynamic warm-up that can last up to ten minutes that will work on improving the students' ability to perform hand release push-ups, medicine ball air squats, medicine ball deadlifts and the strict press more efficiently.  The second marking period, block two assessment will be administered next week.  Stay tuned for details.
Posted by scland  On Jan 08, 2015 at 11:41 AM 132 Comments
December 15th Through 19th.  Students will continue with their second activity of the second marking period, floor hockey.  Students will participate in drills that work on stick handling, passing and provide them the opportunity to compete against their classmates.  The structure of the class will continue to be the same as it was for the first activity.  Students will participate in a warm-up that takes approximately ten minutes.  The students will be introduced to and have the opportunity to perform the walking lunge during the week.  Next, the class will participate in a dynamic warm-up that incorporates different exercises that are important for students to be able to perform correctly.  For example, students will work with a partner and perform as many rounds as possible of medicine ball air squats and plank holds.  One student will perform ten, medicine ball air squats while their partner holds the plank position.  Then, they will switch.  Finally, students will participate in floor hockey drills and competitions for the remainder of the period.  As always, students are encouraged to try their best to get the most out of the activities.
Posted by scland  On Dec 16, 2014 at 1:20 PM 37 Comments
December 8th Through 12th.  Students will transition into their second activity block of the second marking period.  Students will be given the opportunity to participate in floor hockey.  The activity will begin with a warm-up that takes approximately ten minutes to complete.  It will allow students to practice different exercises while preparing their body for the activity.  The basic warm-up will consist of the following exercises;  high knees, butt kicks, power skips, lateral shuffle, single-leg hops, standing broad jumps, bear crawls and shuttle runs.  Students will then have the opportunity to participate in a dynamic warm-up that will incorporate a variety of exercises.  On Wednesday for example, students were given two minutes to complete as many rounds as possible of hand release push-ups (five repetitions) and mountain climbers (ten repetitions).  Students will then participate in drills that work on floor hockey skills such as stick handling, passing, defense and shooting.  The floor hockey activity will last for ten class periods.
Posted by scland  On Dec 10, 2014 at 5:07 PM 273 Comments
December 1st Through 5th.  The strength & conditioning block will continue by giving each student the opportunity to practice the four major movements.  The primary focus of the first block was to allow each student to learn how to move properly while performing the air squat, the deadlift, the strict press and the hand release push-up.  As the S & C, block one concludes each student will get more repetitions at each of the four movements.  Students that demonstrate the ability to move correctly will be given the opportunity to challenge themselves with additional resistance.   We will also continue to incorporate exercises that focus on the development of our cardiovascular fitness level.  We will work on our ability to jump rope throughout the week.  The skill of jump rope can be scaled to the ability level of each student.  It is important to have the right size jump rope.  When selecting a jump rope, the athlete should step on the middle of the jump rope.  The end of the handles should come up to the athlete's chest level.  This will ensure that the jump rope is long enough for the athlete to use.   The Strength & Conditioning Assessment for block one will be on December 8th or 9th, depending on when each student has physical education class.  The assessment will require each student to provide twenty responses.  The review prezi is located on my website under the physical education tab.  It is entitled, Strength & Conditioning.  It can be viewed as many times as needed.
Posted by scland  On Dec 02, 2014 at 11:15 AM 45 Comments
November 24th - 26th.  Strength & Conditioning will be the first activity of the second marking period for physical education. This week, the Strength & Conditioning sessions will  introduce the deadlift and the strict press.  It is important for everyone to learn how to perform these movements correctly.   The points to remember when performing the deadlift are as follows; 1.  The athlete should hide the knots in their shoelaces with the bar in the set-up, 2.  The athlete should stay weighted in their heels when performing the lift, 3.  The athlete should keep the bar against their legs and push their hips back when returning the weight to the ground. The points to remember when performing the strict press are as follows; 1.  The athlete should be weighted in their heels with their feet directly underneath their shoulders in the set-up, 2.  The athlete should have their hands outside their shoulders, elbows down and slightly in front of the bar, 3.  The athlete should press the bar overhead and cover their ears with their shoulders, 4.  The athlete should press the bar straight up, their head should move slightly back to accomodate the bar. The squat and push-ups will also continue to incorporated into the activities to allow each athlete to work on improving their ability to move, their overall strength and endurance.  The goal is to be better than yesterday.
Posted by scland  On Nov 24, 2014 at 11:17 AM 17 Comments
November 17th - 21st. As students begin the second marking period, each student will complete the physical fitness pre-assessments.  By November 21st, each student will have completed four fitness pre-tests.  They are; One Mile Run (measure of cardiovascular endurance), Shuttle Run(measure of speed and agility), Sit-and-Reach(measure of lower body flexibility) and Push-ups(measure of muscular strength and endurance). In the spring, each student will be assessed in these assessment again.  The objective is to have each student improve upon the result they posted in the pre-assessment.  Students will have the opportunity to participate in strength and conditioning blocks throughout the school year that will teach them have to move properly and learn new exercises that improve their general physical preparedness.   As students complete the fitness pre-tests, students will move into their first activity of the second marking period.  The two activities that the students will be exposed to are; basketball or strength & conditioning.   "Anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
Posted by scland  On Nov 19, 2014 at 2:56 PM 177 Comments
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