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February 9th Through 12th.  Depending on the period, students will be participating in either basketball or ultimate frisbee.  My first and three/four period classes will be participating in basketball on one-half of the gymnasium.  My 7/8 and 8/9 classes will be participating in Ultimate Frisbee in the all-purpose room.  All classes will begin as normal with students actively participating in a dynamic warm-up.  As the school year progresses, students should improve upon their ability to perform the exercises that are incorporated in the dynamic warm-up.  Following the dynamic warm-up, students will have the opportunity to actively participate in a competitive activity that incorporates a variety of different exercises.  For example, on February 10th/11th students will; perform as many repetitions of a exercise as possible in thirty seconds followed by thirty seconds of recovery.  Students will rotate through three different exercises.  The exercises are kettle bell goblet squats  (Rx; 10 Lbs.), hand release push-ups and sit-ups.  Students will keep track of the number of repetitions that they completed throughout the round.  Following the completion of round one, students will rest for two minutes and write their first name and total on the white board.  Students will perform a second round of the three exercises attempting to beat their repetition total from round one.  Upon completion of round two, students will write their total repetitions from round two on the white board in addition to their repetition total.  A leader board will be posted in class in an attempt to add the competitive element to class.  Next, students will participate in their respected activity, Basketball or ultimate frisbee.  Students participating in basketball will have the opportunity to participate in half-court basketball games.  Students participating in ultimate frisbee will have the opportunity to participate in ultimate frisbee games.  All students, regardless of activity have been divided into teams with the objective to maximize their participation level.
Posted by scland  On Feb 10, 2015 at 2:53 PM 74 Comments
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