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December 15th Through December 19th.  Students will continue to work on their Body Systems Prezi.  During the week of December 8th, each student was given a body system disorder to research.  By this point, students should be designing their prezi with the information that they have acquired.  Students will be given Monday and Wednesday to work on their research in the library.  Once the students complete their research they should take their time and design their prezi in an organized manner.  Students should have cited at least two resources, at least one internet resource and at least one book resource in Noodletools.  The Body Systems Prezi and the Noodletools assignment are due Friday, December 19th.  The Body Systems Prezi should be shared to my school e-mail account;  [email protected].  Students should make sure to change editor to viewer before sharing their finished prezi.  The Noodletools assignment should be shared to Miss Marhefka through Noodletools.  Students are to log on to their Noodletools account and then go to their health 2014 folder.  Next, the students should go to the dashboard and look down the page for the sharing and collaboration section.  Then, the student should click share to dropbox, type in Health 7 and then highlight health 7.  Finally, click share.
Posted by scland  On Dec 16, 2014 at 12:54 PM 157 Comments
December 8th Through December 12th.  This week each seventh grade health student will be work on their Body Systems Research Prezi.  Seventh grade health students will select a disorder of one of the body systems.  Then, each student will be given a project requirement sheet that lists questions that each student will need to research and answer.  Students should use the resource page provided by Miss Marhefka to research the correct information.  The resource page can be accessed through the student sharepoint page.  Students will be required to use and cite at least two sources through NoodleTools they use to create their prezi.  At least one resource should be an actual book and at least one resource should be an internet source.  Early in the week, Miss Marhefka will introduce students to Noodletools and guide them through the process of citing their resources.  Each student will be required to submit their citations through NoodleTools to Miss Marhefka, it will count as  a daily assessment grade.  The Body Systems Prezi will count as a major assessment grade. 
Posted by scland  On Dec 08, 2014 at 11:59 AM 197 Comments
December 1st through 5th.  Grade Seven Health continues to explore the body systems chapter.  The next body system up is the Muscular System.  It is important for the students to understand that the body systems work together, especially the skeletal and the muscular system.  The skeletal system and the muscular system work together to allow the body to bend, run, walk, lift, jump and carry.   We will define the muscular system and focus on the three major functions of the muscular system.  In addition to idenfying the three different types of muscules, the difference between contraction and extension.  The muscular system will conclude with us touching on disorders of the muscular system and how to take care of the muscular system.   Students will also be given an opportunity to present their, "All About Me" Prezi to their classmates.  If a student has not, they need to understand that they have a zero for a minor assessment grade.  Any student that is having a problem sharing their prezi, they should see me as soon as possible. Finally, we will have a skeletal system quiz in the near future.  It will consist of twenty-four questions (short answer and matching).  Stay tuned for details.  
Posted by scland  On Dec 01, 2014 at 9:07 AM 256 Comments
November 24th - 26th.  Grade Seven Health will transition into their first major topic, the body systems.  We will begin by exploring the skeletal system.  Following lesson one, it will be important for each student to understand what the skeletal system is, what the skeletal system allows an individual to do and what four important functions the skeletal system performs.  We will also take a look at the different types of joints and connective tissues.  Upon completion of the lesson one outline, the students will view the lesson one review prezi to check their responses.  The lesson one outline will be collected and count as a daily assessment grade.  As we complete the skeleton system outline, we should attempt to answer the following question; 1.  What other systems of the human body does the skeletal system cooperate with to perform important functions? Each grade seven health student will present their prezi to the class.  Each student's presentation will provide their classmates with an opportuntiy to get to know them better.  It will also provide the presenter with the opportunity to feel good about talking about themselves, identifying their strengths and interests.  The prezi and presentation will be a minor assessment grade.  Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by scland  On Nov 24, 2014 at 10:57 AM 272 Comments
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